BRand builder coaching

Your path to entrepreneurship may be different, but that's what makes it powerful.

Turn your idea into an income generating brand after just three coaching calls.

Brand Builder Coaching is a 1:1 program for disabled folks who want to turn an idea into an income generating brand and build an engaged community on social media. 

The program cost is $497 CAD (approximately $370 USD).

Your disability won’t define your brand —
but it will revolutionize it.

As a disabled individual, you've likely encountered barriers in traditional employment. You’ve either dealt with companies that were unwilling to provide accommodations, or the typical work environment didn’t meet your needs.

I’ve been there. 

There is another path. One that puts you in control of your income and future. Building your own brand is the right next step — but not everyone knows how to do that. This is where the Brand Builder Coaching comes in.

Brand Builder Coaching

Join me for three one on one sessions, where we’ll turn your idea into an income generating brand.

What you’ll get when you join:

  • A clear path to income generation as a disabled business owner and creator.

  • A recognizable brand that your dream customers and partners want to invest in.

  • A more engaged community that wants to support you financially and advocate for your brand.

You’re used to having to defy expectations.
Do the same with your brand.

“Ali provided in-depth, practical insights that were both informative and helpful, covering everything from creating a cohesive brand message to effectively reaching and engaging with the target audience. I've applied these valuable lessons to my brand, leading to noticeable improvements in audience engagement.”

— Olivia Murphy, @livingmybestdisabledlife

Your lived experience as a disabled person is your competitive edge. This program is designed to help you put that potential to use and create a brand that truly reflects your unique perspective.

The Brand Builder includes:

  • 3 one-hour 1:1 calls designed to turn your idea into an income generating brand

  • An audit of your existing brand so we can identify what needs adjusting

  • A tactical roadmap for where to take your brand next 

  • An experienced partner — who built a Canva-award-finalist brand — guiding you in your brand journey 

  • Practical advice on building your brand on Instagram so you can better reach your target audience

  • Clear explanations of branding fundamentals like messaging, visuals, and brand personality so you can apply them to your brand

  • A digital brand workbook to build out in between calls

“I initially felt overwhelmed thinking about where to start in terms of communicating my message, connecting to my audience, and creating content, but when I used the strategies Ali outlined, I began to feel more confident and organized in my approach.”

— Lindsay Ulrey, @wheel.good.motherhood

Your path to entrepreneurship may be different…

But that’s what makes it powerful.

In Canada, people with disabilities earn an average 21.4% less than non-disabled individuals. In the US, that gap could be as high as 42%

Even if we do get access to jobs, our needs are rarely met, and we’re often held back due to biases in leadership. We need to prove ourselves over and over again. And changing that means having to show up to work with your armor on every day — and that’s exhausting.

Instead, why not put your armor away and tap into your most creative self? Build a brand that supports the work you want to be doing, and the expertise you bring to the table. I’m here to help.

(~$370 USD)

Not ready to invest in the full program? You can purchase a single coaching call for CAD $197. We’ll spend the hour going over your top brand priorities and challenges, as well as any pressing questions you might have.

Meet your instructor

I'm Ali! I'm a disability advocate, content writer, and brand specialist based in Vancouver, BC. After years of facing microaggressions and working for employers who made me advocate for myself constantly, I decided to take control of my own income. In the last three years, I’ve made over $325,000 working for myself. I run two businesses, including the Canva-award-finalist Seated Perspectives brand, which is focused on challenging disability narratives and empowering other disabled folks to turn their own ideas into income generating brands. 


What if I don’t have an idea for my brand yet?

No problem! We can spend the first call going over what it is you want to accomplish and how we can create a brand around that and establish a foundation for you to build out your idea.

What if I don’t have time to work on the assignments in between calls?

There is no better time than now for you to invest in your own brand. You’ll be in charge of scheduling our calls together, so be sure to give yourself the time you need to do the work between our touchpoints.

Will this coaching program be useful if I’m building my brand outside of social media?

Absolutely. Your brand goes beyond social media. It makes up the foundational pieces that sit behind the work you do, the services you offer, and how you show up with your clients or your community. We can dedicate our coaching time to establishing your brand fundamentals, and then discuss how to leverage them in your unique case.

Should I sign up if I already have a brand that I’ve started?

Totally! Even if you’ve already started down the path of building a brand, I can help you refine what you have and link it to your business idea.

I’m not creative at all. Can I still build a brand?

No question. (I also don’t believe you’re not creative.) To me, living with my disability has made me a much more creative and resourceful individual, and those are great skills when you’re crafting a new business and brand.

Your path to disabled entrepreneurship starts with a brand you’re proud of.
Start building it.

Brand Builder Coaching 1:1 program for disabled folks who want to turn an idea into an income generating brand and build an engaged community on social media.